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82.5 F

Government shutdown impacts local transportation projects

Transportation Agency for Monterey County and Monterey-Salinas Transit announced this week that the federal government shutdown is adversely affecting regional transportation projects and transit services in the county.

Soledad schools buy 800 new iPads for students

SOLEDAD — New iPads have been ordered for students at Soledad Unified School District after the school board passed a motion during its Sept. 9 meeting to buy 800 of them. FULL STORY:

Fort Hunter Liggett’s Youth Fishing Derby draws hundreds

Fort Hunter Liggett’s 16th annual Youth Fishing Derby opened on a sunny morning April 14 at Del Venturi Pond, drawing more than 200 local children age 15 and younger to compete for prizes.

South County students give thanks

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on everything we are thankful for, such as family and friends. In the spirit of the holiday, South County Newspapers asked local students from King City, Greenfield, Soledad and Gonzales what they are thankful for this year.

Local veteran stories being sought

The King City Branch of Monterey County Free Libraries in collaboration with the Story Center and California State Library is looking to capture the voices, experiences and life stories of local veterans.

Soledad City Council approves housing subdivision and plans for traffic control

City of Soledad logo
SOLEDAD — Soledad City Council members unanimously approved an amendment to a 27-lot subdivision of single-family houses to be developed by Nino Homes. FULL STORY:

Feedback sought on express bus study

New routing options that would speed up bus service between Salinas and South County are being considered by Monterey-Salinas Transit.

Cork and Plough welcomes authors for Books and Brews

The Cork and Plough hosted the Second Annual Books and Brews on Aug. 12, during which residents met two Monterey County authors, Anne Ylvisaker and Carol Diggory Shields, who read passages from their writings.

Adopt a grandparent

Rose Ferrero students took time to visit with residents of Eden Valley Care Center on Valentine’s Day.

Public meetings to discuss Salinas Valley Recycles’ long-term facility project

The Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority (aka Salinas Valley Recycles) has released a Notice of Preparation stating its intent to produce an Environmental Impact Report under the California Environmental Quality Act for the Long-Term Facility Needs Study