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84.7 F

Local transit system celebrates 15 years

Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST) is celebrating its 15th anniversary of service to South County this year.

Legion welcomes new officers

The Soledad American Legion Post held its annual rib barbecue over the weekend, serving about 500 meals in fewer than three hours.

Full speed ahead

Placing of the cornerstone at the new Main Street Middle School was held last Monday with members of the School Board on hand to get the construction of Phase Two started.

Bond seeks $450M to update aging voting systems

California Secretary of State Alex Padilla and Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (D-San Diego) have announced Assembly Bill 668, the Voting Modernization Bond Act of 2018, which seeks $450 million to improve California’s voting systems.

Water rights case against county moves forward

Seeking operation of the Salinas Valley Water Project as outlined in a 2003 assessment election proceeding, property owners recently won critical arguments against Monterey County and its water resources agency.

Paso Robles Event Center generates $79M to economy

The Fairs and Exposition branch of the California Department of Food and Agriculture recently released its annual reports detailing the economic impact of California fairs on local economies.

‘Monterey Pop’ revisits Summer of Love

The community can step back in time for a special screening of “Monterey Pop” on Friday, May 12.


What to do first was the question for most people during Saturday’s YMCA Healthy Kids Day Event. The activities were free to everyone in South County and open to all ages.

Changes in store for city park

Plans are underway for changes to the Jesse Gallardo Park, which is home to a baseball field, tennis courts and a large span of grass.

Making testing fun

Preparations are underway for the upcoming Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test at the local elementary schools.