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84.3 F

Not everyone loves marijuana

Local column by Joanne Banuelos

Where have all the fathers gone? To prison (almost) every one

Guest Commentary by Richard W. Dyches and Edward Hudson, Family Bridge Network

In my backyard

Worthy to Print: Column by George Worthy

The Happy Book

Local column by Lucy Jensen

Letters to the Editor for Week of April 26

South County Newspapers welcome Letters to the Editor of fewer than 400 words. Submit all letters with the writer's name and contact information to [email protected].

Are you an only child?

Local column by George Worthy

Letters to the Editor for Week of May 17

South County Newspapers welcome Letters to the Editor of fewer than 400 words. Submit all letters with the writer's name and contact information to [email protected].

Applause, appreciation for fireman

Local column by Joanne Banuelos

Letters to the Editor for Week of June 7

South County Newspapers welcome Letters to the Editor of fewer than 400 words. Submit all letters with the writer's name and contact information to [email protected].

Proud to be a father

Local column by George Worthy