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82.5 F

Grains of time

Window on the World: Column by Lucy Jensen

OPINION: Community Choice Program decision

Local column by Joanne Banuelos

Hitting the ground running

Hello again, dear reader! It’s been the better part of a decade since I was a member of the South County Newspapers crew (now known as New SV Media). I’m happy to return to writing about and photographing the many events and stories of SoMoCo. Those of you...

Window on the World | Sisterhood

We worked together at the Salinas newspaper. When I say, “worked together,” she was on the computer side of things and I worked in advertising and management; plus, it was a huge building. In other words, she fixed what I broke. We didn’t know each other really,...

Letters to the Editor | Published Sept. 19, 2018

Letters to the Editor | Published Sept. 19, 2018

Window on the World | Finding Bruno

There are so many “Help! My dog is missing” posts on Facebook these days, it makes you wonder if all the local dog owners just leave their gates open and hope that their pooch makes it home in time for dinner of an evening....

Just be nice

Worthy to Print: Column by George Worthy

The vineyard dog

Window on the World: Column by Lucy Jensen

Letters to the Editor for Week of May 3

South County Newspapers welcome Letters to the Editor of fewer than 400 words. Submit all letters with the writer's name and contact information to [email protected].

Letters to the Editor | Published Jan. 29, 2020

Editor's Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should be typed and include the writer’s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited...