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86.1 F

Schools to host stakeholder meetings

SOLEDAD — A series of stakeholder meetings are planned for the Soledad Unified School District in January and February with the purpose of providing an opportunity for parents and community members to give input on the district’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).

“We’re expected to seek a wide array of input from our stakeholders, and under the state funding formula for schools the LCAP allows the schools and the district to set priorities and ways to achieve state priorities,” said Randy Bangs, assistant superintendent of education services.

The schools in Soledad Unified School District are measured on the students’ performance in English, language arts, mathematics, suspension rates, graduations rates and so forth. Those priorities are expected to be met and show growth.

“We find parents are comfortable and familiar with their own school site, so rather than having a big districtwide meeting, we divide by schools,” Bangs said. “Each school has their own meeting and their own data.”

Bangs said the schools had similar meetings during the last school year and that if parents miss the meeting for their child’s school, they would be able to attend one of the other schools’ meetings.

Topics the district plans to cover include academic instruction and intervention, behavior supports for students, mental health services and social emotional learning, safety and parent involvement.

The meetings, which are from 6 to 8 p.m., will begin at San Vicente School on Thursday, Jan. 31, and continue until Thursday, Feb. 28, at Soledad High School and Pinnacles High School.

The date for each school are as follows: San Vicente Elementary on Thursday, Jan. 31; Main Street Middle School on Thursday, Feb. 7; Gabilan Elementary on Tuesday, Feb. 12; Jack Franscioni Elementary on Tuesday, Feb. 19; Frank Ledesma Elementary on Thursday, Feb. 21; Rose Ferrero Elementary on Tuesday, Feb. 26; and Soledad and Pinnacles high schools on Thursday, Feb. 28. Each meeting will have childcare provided and pizza served.

For more information, parents and community members may contact any school site or the Soledad Unified School District Office at 831-678-0668.
