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Letters to the Editor — Published July 11, 2018

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See something, say something

There is a saying going around, “If you see something, say something.” This applies to our town of King City and many issues in it.

Two weeks ago I was walking to San Lorenzo County Park and saw a grocery cart there from La Princessa Market. There was a phone number on the card, 386-9476, so I called it and told them they had a cart by the park. They politely thanked me. When I returned from my walk, the cart was gone. Good work, La Princessa.

Last week as my husband and I were cleaning up by the high school, we came across four big tires that someone had left at the entrance to the parking lot. Since they were too big for us to do anything, I went to Rossi Tires and asked them if they could pick them up. Amazingly, they were gone in a hour. Thank you, Rossi Tires.

So it does help to say something and ask politely for some help. As citizens, we can all take a little part in getting and keeping our town a clean place to live. And, did anyone know that there is a website for Cal Trans to report issues with our freeway, like litter? The area around our town seems to be cleaner since some citizens I know are sending in their concerns. The rest of the highway from Greenfield to Salinas is sadly a mess.

The website is Click on submit a customer request. And you can complain about Highway 101 north and south of King City.

These are some of the phone numbers to call about carts or other issues: La Princessa, 386-9476; Safeway, 385-7820 (best to call weekday mornings); Rite-Aid, 385-0886; and the Dollar Store, 386-9423.

Let’s keep our town looking great.

Janet Buttgereit
King City in Bloom member
