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Letters to the Editor for Week of May 17

Letters to the Editor Policy
South County Newspapers welcome Letters to the Editor. Letters should be fewer than 400 words. Guest columns should be between 400 and 800 words. Letters and columns may be dropped off at South County Newspapers, 522B Broadway St., King City, CA 93930, or be sent via e-mail to ed****@so*******************.com. All letters must be signed and have an address and phone number for confirmation purposes. We reserve the right to edit and condense all submissions.



Celebration to honor pastors

Josh and Evelyn Clements, pastors of First Assembly of God, will be retiring after 50-plus years of ministry, 40 of which has been in Greenfield. Church members will be celebrating their faithfulness with a party in their honor on Saturday, May 20, from 1 to 5 p.m., and would like to extend an open invitation to all.

The celebration will be held at the church, 549 El Camino Real, in Greenfield. Come help us celebrate!

Jody Smith
Church Member, Greenfield


Thank you for support

On behalf of Soledad American Legion Post 32, we would like to thank the community and the people of the Salinas Valley for purchasing tickets from our rib barbecue fundraiser May 7. Funds raised will go toward the cost of putting on such an awesome Veterans Day Parade on Saturday, Nov. 11, in Salinas.

We would like to give a special thank you to Dole Fresh Vegetables for their salad donation, and the Soledad Bee. Post 32 would also like to thank our brothers and sisters of Post 31 and the Veterans Day Parade Committee for their help and t-shirt sale, the Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC), the volunteer students from Our Lady of Solitude, for helping with the day’s event. 

Post 32 could not have pulled this event off without the help of our friends, Alan Hill, Tim Vaughan, Kevin McClaskey, Steve Hoagland and our bean man Jim Dow, who aren’t vets but help at every barbecue. We want to thank Soledad Fireworks Committee for the amazing bake sale.

Soledad’s Post 32 will be in Salinas Nov. 11 for the Veterans Day Parade. Come and join us at the parade. We will be looking, waving and saluting you, for your support and patriotism.

Once again, thank you.

Tom Vaughan
Soledad American Legion Post 32


Visual feast at Flora’s Farm

On a sunny Tuesday morning, the Hoe and Show Garden Club members were treated to a guided walking and talking tour at Flora’s Farm in Reliz Canyon.

The tour began at the lower creek-side section of the property where four different varieties of berries are grown. Flora explained that Dave started with just a few blackberry canes, primarily as a hobby. Over time, with trial and error, the project became a full-time effort.

Flora and daughter Celestina care for the raspberries and blackberries while Dave is responsible for the blackberries and blueberries. Leaving the berry section, the members continued walking to the colorful and extensive area of stunning flowers, herbs and vegetables. Flora said the property is sectioned off for different types of crops and flowers according to the availability of sunlight for maximal growth.

She plants all her seeds accordingly to the sun and the moon and many are of the Heirloom variety. The members were impressed with her vast knowledge of horticulture, and Flora gives  the most credit to her parents and her love of flowers.

Flora and Dave grow 140 different commodities. They sell at Farmers Markets in Salinas on Saturdays and in Soledad on Thursday. They also provide fresh produce for local restaurants.

The farm is a visual feast of vivid flowers and the best produce. It is well worth the drive every Sunday.

Lee Gularte


Promoting healthy lifestyles

The King City 5K Run/Walk took place May 13. The run/walk is to promote healthy lifestyles. There were 70 participants from ages 5 to 64 running or walking and getting their heart stronger.

We want to thank the people who volunteered the day of the race to help make this 5K successful. Thank you to the community who cheered on the runners throughout the course.

Congratulations to all those that participated in the 5K run/walk — you have inspired others to get healthy! It was wonderful to see family members participating in this event together and to see so many runners finish their run then go back and run with other participants and encourage them to finish.

The proceeds this year will go to help the awesome King City Cross Country Team. Thank you to Dave Daines, the dedicated King City Cross Country coach, who helped us organize the event.

We hope to continue this event next year, so keep training and stay healthy!

Michelle Agius and Keith Wells
King City
