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82.5 F

Let’s talk King City

Gripe or Grins: Well, there were plenty of both gripes and grins attending the May 23 council meeting. Those looking for solutions were more frustrated than happy with results. So yes, let’s talk about King City and about the mailings and it asked for your help. Four Cities United provided the survey mailing with a grant from California Board of Community Corrections. The timing was just as residents were asking the police for answers in regards to recent shooting at Rio Vista Plaza. Where were the cameras and locking of gates and no longer a round about that was agreed to in 2015? With shootings returning, can a survey even help?

Grin: Then a nice upbeat from Karen Jernigan and Park Superintendent Karen Bappler Dorn presenting an update on the Pinnacles and Gateway Partners Group. Later, the city’s project on StreetScape looks to be moving forward and both were on the positive side and ways to introduce the traveler to the City of King to stop on their way to see the Pinnacles.

Gripe: However, the motel owners that attended to hear what City Council has prepared in ordinances or suggestions on extended stay and lodging and timing of length. The speakers came from Oaktree Property Co. of Broadway Circle, management stated lack of communication from the city, and where were the directions they needed, and came looking for answers. It was also questioned will any of this promised tourist trade even happen if our motels are not customer friendly?

Gripe: Yes, King City needs a hero and I first heard that from Chief Masterson. Arriving in my mail was a flier and pictured were faces of boys lost to gang violence. Our Police Department wants the community to know those who are committing the crimes. To do that there needs to be a hero, one to step up and help solve these murders. Seeing the boys’ faces brought home sadness for families now missed everyday. How to understand what their deaths do to accomplish anything but murder?

Grin: Turning to happier times and what is there to do this summer? Open daily King City Pools and our Recreation Department has swimming programs for everyone. Boxing, too, is available. First Tee of Monterey is starting up summer camp and Sol Treasurers has art camp and performance camp. Activities are available, only it’s communication that is not easy.

Grin: Annual event for our library brings the Book and Bake Sale and begins June 3 through the 16. Plus the library is looking for a volunteer veterans coach that can help veterans find their benefits with their questions. Monterey County Free Libraries Vets is a Connect Center at the King City Library.

Gripe: Well, why have we not joined the JPA when there are jobs and work and why are we not willing to join? Before we become the “Island of King City,” I heard a remark from at the same meeting by complaining we are going to be left out and need to rethink the decision. There is a special meeting about the Biennial Budget 2017 in June. Open to sit in May 30 and ofter input if you’re interested. To be held at City Hall at 6 p.m., where it’s back to business for the King City community.
